
Workshop 1: Metadata Tools for Digital Resource Repositories

Organizers: Jane Greenberg, UNC Chapel Hill, USA & Thomas Seveiens, Universität Osnabrück, Germany

Location: 527 Health Sciences Library

This one-day workshop will facilitate dialog among people interested in metadata tools— including, but not limited to, tool developers, companies, and users. The workshop has three components:

  1. Presentations of application design challenges and solutions
  2. A tools exhibition
  3. A discussion on application evaluation and improving communication within the metadata tool community

Workshop 2: Digital Libraries in the Context of Users’ Broader Activities

Organizers: Ann Blandford & Jeremy Gow, University College London, UK

Location: 307 Health Sciences Library

More info on the JCDL 2006 wiki

There is a need to understand how digital libraries (and related information sources) are used and also how such systems fit into people’s broader work tasks. Without such an understanding, it is a matter of chance as to whether new systems that are developed actually meet the needs of their users or not. This workshop will bring together researchers with an interest in designing digital libraries and those who study information seeking and use in context to exchange ideas and insights and create new interaction possibilities.

Workshop 3: METS Implementors’ Meeting

Organizers: Brian Tingle, University of California, USA, Marcus Enders , Goettingen State and University Library, Germany, Nancy J Hoebelheinrich, Stanford University, USA, Jerome McDonough, Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Robin Wendler, Harvard University

Location: 207 House

The METS Implementors’ Meeting would be an opportunity for the community that is using the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard to meet and talk about how they have implemented METS systems, share profiles for METS XML Documents, and organize to work on the future development of METS as a standard.

Workshop 4: Digital Curation & Trusted Repositories, Seeking Success

Organizers: Helen Tibbo, UNC Chapel Hill, Cal Lee, UNC Chapel Hill, Philip Eppard, University at Albany, SUNY, Soo Young Rieh, Univ. of Michigan, Karen Markey, Univ. of Michigan, and Elizabeth Yakel, University of Michigan

Location: 205 House

More info on the JCDL 2006 wiki

This workshop will serve as a forum for discussion as to how the emerging principles of digital curation, the active management and preservation of data over the life-cycle of scholarly and scientific interest, can work with technical and managerial models to produce not only trusted, but successful repositories that will house rich digital assets.

Workshop 5: Developing a Digital Libraries Education Program

Organizers: Javed Mostafa, Indiana University, Kristine Brancolini, Indiana University, J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Linda Smith, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and William Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Location: 208 Manning

IU and UIUC propose a full-day workshop, aimed at digital library professionals, researchers, and educators to cover prominent issues surrounding digital libraries education. It is based on an IMLS funded collaborative DL education project. It is the second year of a three-year project. We have spent the past year recruiting our first classes of Digital Library Fellows, learning about the requirements of the digital library profession, and developing new courses. The workshop will bring together a number of speakers on topics of interest to digital library educators and working professionals. The workshop will provide the opportunity for IU and UIUC, other IMLS grant recipients, and several representatives from DL programs in other countries to report on project details, including requirements analysis, curriculum development, and program evaluation.