An Evaluation of Access and Use Rights for Licensed Scholarly Digital Resources
Kristin R. Eschenfelder and Ian Benton
Information Seeking in Academic Learning Environments: An Exploratory Factor Analytic Approach to Understanding Design Features
Shu-Shing Lee, Yin-Leng Theng, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Schubert Shou-Boon Foo
A Performance Support Systems Approach to Digital Publishing in Libraries
Chuck Thomas and Robert H. McDonald
Selecting from Millions of Electronic Books
Nina Wacholder, Lu Liu, Ying-Hsang Liu
Automatic Extraction of Table Metadata from Digital Documents
Ying Liu, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles, Kun Bai
User Perceptions of a Federated Search System
Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, Rong Tang, Shanyun Zhang
A Tool for Teaching the Indexing of Digital Images
Palakorn Achananuparp, Katherine W. McCain, Robert B. Allen
Evaluating the National Science Digital Library
Michael Khoo
Multi-linguistic Collaborative Distance Learning: From Information Translation to Knowledge Translation
Xiangming Mu
Metadata Data Dictionary for Analog Sound Recordings
Catherine Lai, Ichiro Fujinaga
Feasibility of Developing Curriculum Standards Metadata
Ron T. Brown, Sharon W. Bowers
On-demand Metadata Extraction Network (OMEN)
Ichiro Fujinaga Daniel McEnnis
Managing Intellectual Property Issues in a Commons of Geographic Data
James Campbell, Marilyn Lutz, David McCurdy, Harlan Onsrud, Kenton Williams
Scientific Research Groups, Digital Libraries, & Education: Metadata from Nanoscale Simulation Code
Laura M. Bartolo, Cathy S. Lowe, Sharon C. Glotzer, Christopher R. Iacovella
Interface Design for Browsing Faceted Metadata
Jonathan Stuart-Moore, Monte Evans, Patricia Jacobs
Developing a Metadata Schema for CSERD: a Computational Science Digital Library
Deborah Swain, Jill Wagy, Marilyn McClelland, and Patricia Jacobs
Creating a multi disciplinary Digital Library in the 5S Framework
Michael Drutar, Charles Coleman, Edward Fox
An Analysis of the Bid Behavior of the 2005 JCDL Program Committee
Marko A. Rodriguez, Johan Bollen, Herbert Van de Sompel
Supporting Biological Information Work: Research and Education for Digital Resources and Long-lived Data
Carole L. Palmer, Melissa H. Cragin, P. Bryan Heidorn
Finding a Metaphor for Collecting and Disseminating Distributed NSDL Content and Communications
Carol Minton Morris, Helene Hembrooke, Lynette Rayle
A Curated Harvesting Approach To Establishing a Multi-Protocol Online Subject Portal
Clare Llewellyn, John Harrison, Robert Sanderson
Incorporating Computational Science Activities in High School Algebra
Joseph DeLuca and David A. Joiner
Adapting Peer Verification, Validation and Accreditation Processes for Digital Libraries
Linda Schmalbeck, Jonathan Stuart-Moore, Monte Evans
Quantifying the Accuracy of Relational Statements in Wikipedia: A Methodology
Gabriel Weaver, Barbara Strickland, Alison Jones, Gregory Crane
The Ingest and Maintenance of Electronic Records: Moving from Theory to Practice
Kevin L. Glick, Eliot Wilczek, Robert Dockins
Technical Architecture Overview: Tools for Acquisition, Packaging, and Ingest of Web Objects into Multiple Repositories
Judy Cobb, Janet Eke, Jay Goodkin, Tom Habing, Richard Pearce-Moses, Shweta Rani, Richard Urban
Browsing Affordance Designs for the Human-Centered Computing Education Digital Library
Edward Clarkson and James D. Foley
Indexing Institutional Data to Promote Library Resource Discovery
Tito Sierra
Keeping the Context: An Investigation in Preserving Collections of Digital Video
Christopher A. Lee Folksonomy Over Time
Terrell Russell
Apparatus and Methods for Production of Printed Aromatic and Gustative Information
Berg P. Hyacinthe
Teaching Box Builder: Customizing Pedagogical Contexts for Use of Digital Library Resources in Classrooms
Huda Khan, Keith Maull
ClaimID: A System for Personal Identity Management
Frederic Stutzman, Terrell Russell
Pathways Core: A Content Model for Cross-Repository Services
Jeroen Bekaert, Xiaoming Liu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Sandy Payette, Simeon Warner
Findings & Analysis from Pilot Tests of the DigiQUAL Protocol for Digital Library Evaluation
Martha Kyrillidou, Sarah Giersch
Using Citations for Ranking in Digital Libraries
Birger Larsen and Peter Ingwersen
LexiURL Web Link Analysis for Digital Libraries
Alesia Zuccala and Mike Thelwall
NetLens: An Interface Using Iterative Query Refinement in Bipartite Network Data Model
Hyunmo Kang, Catherine Plaisant, Bongshin Lee, Benjamin B. Bederson